So, due to the pandemic, my gaming group started meeting online, which meant I needed to find "tokens" to represent the various things they'd be fighting. The first few times, I took freebies from Roll20 mainly, and didn't really care for most of them, so since we usually use Lego for minis in-person, I figured I'd just start taking pictures to use. This is the first one that made me realize it was possible to make these look surprisingly good. It was mostly an accident, but it told me that I should really play around with lighting and angles to see what I could do with each figure. Those familiar with Lego sets may notice that the figure he is riding is, in fact, an Ostrich from the Prince of Persia Ostrich Race set, with some wings stuck on. It was the closest I could come to something birdlike for my Lego figures to ride. That was the reason I was playing with angles on this shoot, as I needed the angle to suggest an eagle more than an ostrich. Bac...